10 Common Mistakes Event Planners Make

By Julius Solaris

Technology and social media are changing the way we produce, plan and promote events. Here is a quick sum up of common errors made by you and I when planning an event.

I promise I will avoid any melodramatic view. I won’t say you will be out of business if you don’t follow my advice.

However I’ve tried all the tips below and they worked for me. I have also reverse engineered some of the advice after analyzing the events I respect, no award-winning/we-are-so-great crap.

1. Too Much Social Media

Follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, Join our Group on Linkedin, Read our Blog, Watch our Videos on Youtube.

Hey, calm down!

You do not need to be everywhere. Events with a small, cared for presence (possibly in channels where potential attendees hang out) earned my respect over time.

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